Beans + Legumes

According to chef Dan Barber, "Everyone should be eating more beans." They also help create nutrient-rich soil by storing nitrogen in their roots. "Peas and peanuts perform this neat trick as well," he adds. And if the environmental impact isn't enough to sway you, beans and legumes are downright delicious, too. F&W's guide gives you tips for preparing all the different varieties, from canned to dry, and offers plenty of enticing recipes.
Dhan Dar
Dhan Dar
1 hr 30 mins
Various dry beans
Julia Child’s Guide to Cooking Beans
Frijoles Negros de la Olla con Nopalito
Frijoles Negros de la Olla con Nopalitos (Black Beans with Cactus Paddles)
3 hrs 35 mins