This Chef's Restaurants Have Collected 21 Michelin Stars, More Than Any Other Chef on Earth

See who's bringing home the stars for their restaurants.

A chef garnishes a plate at restaurant

Filippo Bacci / Getty Images

In the culinary arts, the Michelin star is the yardstick by which greatness is measured. Most kitchens around the world would be quite thankful to earn a single one of the astral accolades. Indeed, the highest any individual restaurant can earn is three. But prominent chefs these days operate multiple restaurants, often on multiple continents. And so a recent survey set out to determine which of these serial restaurateurs had amassed the most Michelin stars globally. The winner must be thanking his lucky stars — all 21 of them.

That’s right. Alain Ducasse, the Monégasque master who has been helming esteemed eateries for nearly 40 years, is the proud recipient of more than a score of Michelin stars. Clocking in at number two on the list — with a modest 17 stars — is the celebrated blusterer himself, Gordon Ramsay, followed by Pierre Gagnaire, who has accumulated a total of 14 stars for his beloved takes on French fusion. 

Chef Alain Ducasse

Astrid Stawiarz / Getty Images

Ducasse oversees a staggering 34 kitchens spread out across three continents and seven countries. His highest-rated venues include the legendary Le Louis XV in Monaco, where he’s maintained three stars for over three decades, and his eponymous outpost at The Dorchester in central London. American diners craving a taste of his cuisine can savor the fare at Rivea Las Vegas and at Benoit New York — though neither restaurant currently brandishes a star.

A few important, erm, asterisks to note. First and foremost, stars are awarded to restaurants and not to the individual chefs. But in the case of Ducasse’s vast empire, the tastemaker has personally opened all these kitchens himself. So he’s definitely allowed a large portion of the glory. Even as pedantic sorts insist on pointing out that the term “Michelin-starred chef” is technically a fallacy, it’s one that has persisted ever since the French tire company first introduced its award system back in 1926.

It is also worth remembering that the Michelin guidebooks are renewed annually, with affected regions and countries receiving their respective winners at staggered times throughout the calendar year. Therefore, the number of stars Ducasse’s restaurants retain at this very moment will probably change in, say, March of next year, when France gets its 2024 Michelin Guide. So take this list with a grain of salt, if you must. Although, if you’re lucky enough to be dining at any of these chefs’ tables, you likely won’t be in need of any seasoning at all. 

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