Dream Job: Netflix Is On The Hunt For A Food Instagrammer

Photo: iStockphoto

Netflix and chill? Nah. Netflix and gram. In a happy turn of events straight out of your dream journal, Netflix is accepting applications to be the official food Instagrammer for Chef's Table. That's right: Netflix will pay you to travel around the world posting pictures of beautiful food for them.

If you get the job, Netflix will send you around the world to visit restaurants featured in Season Two of Chef's Table. You'll be going to Brazil, San Francisco, Chicago, Brazil, Thailand, Mexico, and Slovenia, photographing the food and the chefs preparing it, as well as taking any other photography you need to "document the experience."

Okay, so there's a pretty big catch. Technically, this position is only open to people from certain parts of Asia. Specifically, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, and South East Asia. But hey, flying around the world to Instagram beautiful foods on Netflix's dollar may be worth moving to Tokyo for a little bit.

Applying couldn't be easier. You just need to follow @NetflixAsia on Instagram and to go back through your own food Instagrams (or post new ones) and add #MyChefsTable to the caption. You have until June 27th. Then the Netflix team will go through the submissions and pick the most skilled food Instagrammer.

For those of us not in the eligible countries, we can always ogle the foods from Season 2 of Chef's table by watching the show on Netflix, or, better yet, keep on Instagramming your own food.

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