Tom Brady Reveals That He's Never Tried Strawberries or Coffee

Photo: © Streeter Lecka/Getty Images

He may be one of the most versatile quarterbacks in NFL history, but the same can't be said about Tom Brady's palate.

The notorious nightshade (tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, etc.) and iodized salt-hating athlete sat down with New York magazine to shockingly divulge that he's never eaten a strawberry or sipped a cup of coffee in his entire life.

"I've never eaten a strawberry in my life. I have no desire to do that," he tells the mag.

We're finding it hard to believe that the four-time Super Bowl champion wasn't exposed to the joys of strawberries as a child or the horrors of coffee during University of Michigan's finals week. With all of this time off from his Deflategate suspension, you'd also think he'd be open to trying new things. (Like not lying.) Then again, not many 39 year-olds are married to Victoria's Secret supermodels and still playing professional football.

You continue to do you, Brady, as the rest of us commonfolk sit back and enjoy our caffeine and berries.

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